Publication Date: February 18, 2002 ISBN-10: 0,205,332,927 ISBN-13 :978-0,205,332,922 Edition: 4
In this successful text, Kazdin research methods in psychology, and to provide standards for the evaluation of clinical research. The text focuses on clinical psychology, but the issues it discussed methods of counseling, school psychology and psychiatry. Be placed in the special needs of the researchers, focusing the discussion at all stages of the research. Clinical psychology, research design methods towards a solution to the problem, thinking and went on to explain to acquire knowledge. This revised edition includes several new topics, as well as the expansion of core themes from the previous version, which reflects the changing nature of clinical research spread to many subject areas. Students and clinicians will gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire course of the study, the analysis results from the development of the concept, the selection method and prepare a written scientific report. In order to ensure that this book convey a specific practice, many of the examples are from the research and day-to-day vitality. Have been concerned taking into account the specific methods and measures aimed at solving the problem of the principles and design of the