Publication Date: November 28, 1999 ISBN-10: 052166540X ISBN-13 :978-0521665407 Edition: 1
Unique approach the ecological recovery described in this book, will appeal to anyone interested in improving ecological conditions, biological diversity, productivity, damaged wasteland. Good use of ecological principles, the author describes how the management objectives of stability and pointing to the reality of these ecosystems, the use of natural recovery process, rather than expensive subsidies. Initial focus on the rehabilitation of water and nutrient cycling, increased energy capture will be triggered and guidance, and promote sustained recovery from the body positive feedback repair systems. This strategy is to target the most appropriate land use requirements of low-input, sustainable vegetation biodiversity, livestock production, timber production, wildlife habitat, watershed management, ecosystem services management. No other book of the ecological restoration of any wildland ecosystems provide such a comprehensive strategy, which is a valuable resource for professionals in the field of ecological restoration, conservation biology and pasture