Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish (Student Edition): Marty Knorre, Thalia Dorwick, Ana María Pérez Gironés, William R. Glass, Hildebrando Villarreal

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Publication Date: January 29, 2008 ISBN-10: 0073534420 ISBN-13 :978-0073534428 Edition: 8
The best-selling introductory Spanish textbook in the United States, Puntos of partida has been and favorite teachers across the country. For this new version, the authors and editors of Puntos have those very instructors to help develop a plan to respond to changing demand for discipline. We contacted more than 275 students and teachers from across the country, the result is a thorough revision, we have the confidence to respond to new needs and preferences, while continuing to provide a solid foundation for communicative language development, which is iconic Puntos go pa