Publication Date: January 11,2012 ISBN-10: 0078035287 ISBN-13 :978-0,078,035,289 Edition: 2
Your students are performing as well as they hope and expect to in your course?
Your students to read the text before coming to class?
The to meet the PsychSmart2E from McGraw – Hill. PsychSmart McGraw – Hill, one of the M Series. . . M Series start your students.
Students through extensive research, we have created a textbook and learning system designed to meet the needs and maximize the workflow habits of today’s college students. The students told us that they want a short text and more visually appealing and cheaper prices.
We listen. We also listened to instructors. We understand the challenges they face every day in the classroom and the the ideal curriculum materials look like. They told us that they need a compelling solution, of course they need to – but not at the expense of quality and content. The result is PsychSmart. Writing a master’s degree of teachers, PsychSmart use a wealth of real-world examples, interactive media and networks, creating a very vibrant and attractive learning solutions designed to reach today’s students.