Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (9781118026694): Nicholas C. Zakas

After the establishment of a strong
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is book includes basic concepts, including its version of object-oriented programming, inheritance, and its use in the HTML JavaScript. This book explores the new APIs, such as HTML5, selector API and file API. The last part of the book is focused on advanced topics, including performance / memory optimization, best practices, and look at the JavaScript will in the future.

This book is divided into 25 chapters. Chapter 1 describes the origins of JavaScript, including where it comes from, how it evolved, and what it is today. The second chapter discusses how to use JavaScript in HTML to create dynamic Web pages combine. Chapter 3 describes the basic concepts of the language, including syntax and flow control statements. Chapter 4 explores how the nature of the processing loosely typed variables in JavaScript. Chapter 5 describes all the details about JavaScript’s built-in reference types, such as objects and arrays. Chapter 6 describes how to use object-oriented programming in JavaScript. One of the most powerful aspects of Chapter 7 explores the JavaScript function expression. Chapter 8 describes the browser object model (BOM), which is responsible for letting the browser itself interactive object. Chapter 9 describes the various methods to detect the client and its function. Chapter 10 describes the Document Object Model (DOM) object defined in the JavaScript DOM 1. Chapter 11 introduces other APIs, and other browser has more features extensions DOM. Chapter 12 on the basis of the first two chapters explain how the DOM 2 and 3 additional properties, methods, and objects to enhance the DOM.

Chapter 13 describes the nature of the event, in JavaScript, the place of their origin, the support of the original system, and how to redefine the DOM event should be how it works. Wii and iPhone devices are included. Chapter 14 is aimed at using JavaScript to enhance form interactions and solve the limitations of the browser. Chapter 15 discusses mark, as well as how to use it to create dynamic graphics. Defined in Chapter 16 HTML5 JavaScript API changes. Chapter 17 discusses how browsers handle errors in JavaScript code, and put forward several ways to deal with the error. Chapter 18 describes the use of JavaScript functionality Extensible Markup Language (XML) data read and processed. Chapter 19 discusses the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) extension to JavaScript, the aim is to simplify the work with XML. Chapter 20 describes the JSON data format, as an alternative to XML. Chapter 21 looks at common Ajax technology, including cross-domain Ajax using XMLHttpRequest object and cross-domain resource sharing (CORS). Chapter 22 into some of the more complex JavaScript functionality flattery, some of the features of the application, and dynamic functionality mode include. Chapter 23 discusses how to detect when the application is offline, provide a variety of technical data is stored in the client. Chapter 24 discusses the method of using JavaScript in an enterprise environment. The better maintainability technology discussion, including encoding technology, format and general programming habits. Chapter 25 describes the API to create, to increase the JavaScript in the browser.

The purpose of this book is in three audiences:

Familiar with object-oriented programming, and experienced developers to learn JavaScript as it relates to the traditional object-oriented languages ​​such as Java and C + +
Web application developers trying to improve the usability of their Web sites and Web applications
Novice JavaScript developers to better understand the language
Addition, familiarity with the following related technologies, this book will have in your favor is a strong signal:

The purpose of this book is not a lack of basic computer science background beginners or those who want to add some simple user interaction sites. The reader should refer to the WROX beginning JavaScript 4th Edition (Wiley, 2009).

In order to run these examples in this book, you need the following:

Windows XP, Windows 7, or Mac OS X
For Internet Explorer 6 or later, Firefox 2 or later, Opera 9 or later, Chrome browser or Safari 2 or higher
Nicholas C. Zakas has been working for more than 10 years the network. Some of the largest companies in the world, he had to use the intranet application is also involved in a large-scale consumer Web site, such as. Translate to English. Simplified.! And Yahoo’s home page. Nicholas is a demonstration architect at Yahoo and guide front-end development and the most visited website in the world some of the criteria. He often negotiations to a company, conference, and to meet the front-end best practices and new technologies. He has authored several books, including Professional Ajax, and high-performance JavaScript.

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