Publication Date: September 3, 1998 ISBN-10: 0195123549 ISBN-13 :978-0195123548 Edition: 3
Probability 3 / E signals and systems analysis approach that emphasizes the engineering applications of probability theory, and submissions are very suitable for the engineering profession in the way of a certain level of the students in the junior or senior level. It is also useful comments for graduate students and practicing engineers.
Thoroughly revised and updated, this third version will increase the use of computers in the two examples of the text and choose the issues. It uses MATLAB as a computational tools, including new chapters about Bernoulli trials, data sets, smoothing of data, computer-related function and spectral density calculation and computer simulation system. All computer example can be run using the student version of MATLAB. Almost all embodiments and many problems have been modified or completely changed, and some new problems have been added. A separate appendix discusses and illustrates the application of computer signal and system analysis.