Publication Date: June 10,2010 | ISBN-10: 0,495,667,706 ISBN-13 :978-0495667704 Edition: 7
Principles of heat transfer, first published in 1959, and since then, it has grown into the field to set the standard coverage and organization within all other Heat Transfer texts are considered classic. The book is designed for the heat transfer process of a semester in the junior or senior level, however, in teaching flexibility. The following proposed ASME Heat Transfer Board of Education, Kreith, Manglik, and Bohn introduced relevant and stimulating content in this fresh and comprehensive approach to heat transfer, recognize that in today’s world classical mathematical solutions to heat transfer the problem is often less influential than computational analysis. Meet the recognition and emphasize that students must still learn to appreciate the elegance of simple mathematics, physics and solve complex phenomenon, classical mathematics and experience within the framework of the principles set forth heat transfer.