Principles of Accounting: Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers, Susan V. Crosson

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Publication Date: 2011 ISBN-10: 1439037744 ISBN-13 :978-1,439,037,744 Edition: 11
Needle / power / Crossen provide interactive teaching methods, the accounting principles and real-world examples to encourage critical thinking. This revision is based on the understanding of the natural, cultural and today student motivation and mentor feedback. These substantial changes meet the needs of the students, not only to face ethical issues, globalization, and technology in an increasingly complex business world, but also require more time. In order to help them cope with these challenges, this textbook students business transactions, which is the result of business decisions, is a way to show how the record its impact on the financial statements. This version is powerful in history teaching accounting cycle demonstrates strengthened transaction analysis and its link. * Mature introduction: Student learning is built on proper accounting principles and technical details, from a reliable method to ensure mastered the core accounting concepts. Reported: Zhang Kai decision point has been enhanced to enable students to changing financial reporting environment Financial Reporting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. * Critical Thinking Tools: stop to help develop students’ ability to judge, and thinking functions they need in the modern business world. Needle / power / Crosson demonstrates accounting mov