best-selling pregnancy books,
This award-winning book presents the latest research for the information on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting, including:
• New information on complementary medicine, such as acupuncture
• Updated information on interventions during childbirth
Revised statistics and discussion Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Caesarean (VBAC)
• new proposals to make informed decisions about one of the hottest topics today in maternal health
• plus much, much more!
This book has been redesigned, so it is easier and the convenience of the reader, more photos, illustrations and boxed features so that important information is highlighted. Also included in the new design is interesting and informative sidebars, such as “common Q & As” about pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal care; their own words, “In such parents describe their pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting experience from their point of view; “fact or fiction? “, The authors propose a common error information and facts, this new version is an accompanying website www.PCNGuide.com readers can find more maternal health information, as well as useful forms and worksheets.
Mom’s Choice Award pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal (2010) – Gold Medal: pregnancy and childbirth; iParenting Media Awards Pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal (2009) – Best Products Winner: Book; life the Book Award pregnancy, childbirth, and Newborn: The Complete Guide (2009) – Family (pro / health / safety): Bronze; the National Family Publication Award (NAPPA) Pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal (2009) – Gold: parenting resources, USABookNews.com pregnancy, childbirth Finalists: Parenting and neonatal (2009) – WINNER: Parenting / Family: Pregnancy & Childbirth; magazines and books Award pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal (2008) – Final
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