Publication Date: December 9,2008 ISBN-10: 0071458050 ISBN-13 :978-0,071,458,054 Edition: 1
Learn Spanish you need. Language skills you want.
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish is a trusted companion, your Spanish learning experience. In each bite-sized lesson, author Dorothy Richmond explained – only one – grammar concept, and it has many obvious examples. Accompanying fun and interesting exercises allows you to practice, practice, practice what you have learned. Although these lessons is intentional, so that you can complete in 20 minutes or less, you can go to work for you the pace.
This guide / workbook will help you master
• tener idioms indefinitely article present tense verb form of the SER and ESTAR verb, conjugated • adjective possessive pronouns • sentence structure and Bender • contractions person • •
Whether you are in your own study or attend Spanish classes beginning, Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish will help you to build your confidence.