Publication Date: July 6, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1,593,272,669 ISBN-13 :978-1,593,272,661 | Version: second edition
This is very easy to use Wireshark is the world’s most popular network sniffer to capture packets off the wire or from the air. But how do you use these packets on the network to understand what happened?
Expanded discussion of network protocols extensively revised second edition of the best-selling Practical Packet Analysis will teach you how to make sense of your PCAP data and 45 completely new. Help you better understand the behavior of modern vulnerabilities and malware security solutions speed packet level slow networks and packet analysis, you will find that the new chapter. This is a comprehensive introduction to the TCP / IP network protocol stack, you are in your own way packet analysis capabilities.
Learn how to:
Packet analysis to identify and resolve common network problems, such as loss of connectivity, DNS problems, slow speeds, and malicious software infection
Build customized capture and display filters
Real-time monitoring of your network and excavation site network communication
Chart visualization data flow in the entire network traffic patterns,
Using advanced Wireshark features to understand confusing capture
Statistics and reports to help you better explain technical network information to non-technical staff
The actual packet analysis is a must for any network technician, administrator or engineer. Stop guessing and start troubleshooting your network.
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