Title: Planned Giving: A Guide to Fundraising and Philanthropy / Edition 4
Author: Ronald R. Jordan, Jordan, Katelyn L. Quynn
ISBN-10: 0470436301
ISBN-13: 9780470436301
Completely revised and updated, the Fourth Edition of thispopular resource recognizes the emerging importance of plannedgiving and the changes that have taken place over the last fewyears. The new edition now includes a convenient, easy-to-useCD-ROM filled with exhibits, documents, and forms. With a new focuson user-friendly content and helpful insights, tips, warnings, andperspectives, the new edition empowers fundraising professionalswith the ability to speak the same language as donors and theiradvisors, while still keeping their own organization’s goals inmind. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.