Physical Therapy for Children, 4e: Suzann K. Campbell PT PhD FAPTA, Robert J. Palisano PT ScD, Margo Orlin: 9781416066262

Children in physical therapy, 4th
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core textbook in PT programs and as a clinical reference point, students and professionals, work, children’s basic information. Like the best-selling version, 4th edition followed in the process of physical therapist practice guidelines and practice pattern categories disabled IFC model, because it provides the latest evidence-based treatment coverage. In this latest version, Susan Campbell DeLapp, the Robert · J. Palisano, Margo N. inform Orlin more case studies and video clips, additional chapters and articles linked references online, and Evidence to Practice boxes it is easy to find and remember important information.

Provides a comprehensive range of decision-making, screening, development, motor control and motor learning, physical function and structural damage, and PT pediatric disease management basics.
Reflect the entire family-centered care model to help you understand how to make children and their caregivers in the development and implementation of intervention programs.
The emphasis on evidence-based methods, the use of the latest research the best results.
Follow the practice patterns of physical therapist practice (second edition) set the guidelines of the standard physical therapy practice guidelines.
Characteristics of the international classification of function, Disability and Health (ICF), World Health Organization (WHO) to disable the process model, emphasizing activities, rather than functional limitations and participation rather than disability in this book focuses on the prevention of disability.
Provide a wide range of case studies show the material covered in the text, and in practical applications, often accompanied by online video clips illustrate the conditions and management.
Can easily access critical information, organize and summarize the important points table box.
Clearly demonstrates the important concepts and clinical conditions, in practice, you will encounter more than 800 illustrations.
Additional resources need to learn the deeper evolutionary site:
40 video clips, corresponding to the case study, and show conditions in each chapter
Useful resources, including Web links
Problems and exercises, you will find useful pediatric professional certification exams to prepare.
10 additional video clips can help you better understand the disease and management.
Unique! The latest research into the entire text box evidence-based, you can easily find evidence to support the case, management.
Unique! Evolve website now includes for the convenience of the study, cited in the references and abstracts.
Case patients and clients, are accompanied by the text clear evidence of a evidence to practice dialog and provide relevant information to help you better understand the many decisions made in each case.
Unique! Such as gait, genomics, and assistive technology topics, including sections of the Evolve website easily search links and other information.
The key point in the summary box at the end of each chapter to help you focus your comment.
More case studies to expand the clinical situation, to help you understand how the concept can be applied in practice.
The more cardio coverage can help you consider important factors, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate assessment information and typical value throughout the life cycle.
More coverage of fetal development of various diseases of how and why it happened.
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