Publication Date: August 8, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0321808231 ISBN-13 :978-0,321,808,233 Edition: 1
To unlock perfect choice and amazing image effects is a totally realistic composite key
The synthesis is one of the hottest trends in Photoshop and photography portrait photographers, designers of all levels of society life, even retouching. Can be seen everywhere, from the group photo, high school graduation or sports portraits, magazines, movie posters and DVD covers, chances are that you’ve seen synthetic.
Photoshop synthesis confidentiality in, Matt Kloskowski need to create compelling whole process behind the execution, and charming composites. You will see how to create a range of images from the real world of corporate, graduation, or group photos to sports portraits, templates, and collages, and even surreal the the dramatic composite, customers clamor portrait.
You will learn:
To the synthesis of the most important secret: how to master in Photoshop (yes, even the sparse hair)
What the background color, as well as camera and lighting settings, the best synthesis
Theme from one to another background Photoshop lighting and shadowing techniques to make it look real.
All the Photoshop tips, tricks, and special effects, you need to pull off a convincing, professional composite.
An aspiring professionals, whether you are a professional or amateur, synthetic secret Photoshop upgrade their skills, and in an easy-to-understand way, you create your own composite materials has opened up a new way to photographic performance at any time.
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