Publication Date: July 14, 2010 ISBN-10: 0781766168 ISBN-13 :978-0781766166: The eighth edition of the North American version
This is the eighth edition of a comprehensive and well-respected text and reference of pathophysiology. As a nurse, physiologist, Carol Porth uniquely emphasized changes in the health status of the “concept”, rather than the facts show that the diseases and disorders. This integrated conceptual model development and prevention of health. Take this physiological approach to ensure that the entire understanding of the bodily functions. By the human body in all aspects of a full-featured, students can master the physical and psychological aspects of the changing health.
This version has a revamped art program and exhibition to showcase the pathophysiological process, but detailed visual representation. Other highlights include a greater international focus, extended evidence-based practice and completely revised, updated chapters on the white blood cells and lymphoid tissue, genetics, disease, and congenital and acquired immunity.
A binding CD-ROM and companion Web site, including Web site links, the NCLEX ® tutorial, Spanish and English audio glossary, monographs of 100 most commonly used prescription drugs, over 30 concept in action animation, five clinical simulation and dose Computational tests. A Teacher Resource DVD-ROM and online instructor resources are also available.
Equipped with the Smarthinking free online counseling online counseling Smarthinking students access to expert nursing and allied health science educators mission you success. Students can visit the on-site counseling and support, criticism of the paperwork, and other valuable tools.
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