Publication Date: November 6, 2009 ISBN-10: 143905701X ISBN-13 :978-1439057018 Edition: 5
Paralegal today: the legal team at work, Fifth Edition, so that students of the paralegal field come alive. It uses real-world examples, discuss the practical application of each concept and practice activities to further enhance the entire focus. Text to provide students with a comprehensive introduction, not only in the legal system in general, but one of the legal team of the indispensable role of the specific areas of legal and paralegal. The students get a comprehensive understanding of our society’s legal, ethical and professional responsibility and the importance of skills to thrive in such an environment. Technical features, including spotlights technology is how to change the litigation, legal research, and overall office management, convey a powerful skill importance in this regard. “Recommended” bring a personal touch to the material – as students learn how to really work legal professionals in various fields, and each skill directly serving. Moral dilemmas challenge the students to further understand their professional duties and critical thinking, provide an opportunity to improve their ability. As a paralegal, students learn not only about the substantive areas of the law, but how in Excel as a professional, in every one.