Publication Date: October 1, 2009 ISBN-10: 0,596,514,468 ISBN-13 :978-0,596,514,464 Edition: Fifth Edition
In the entire database community considered to be the best Oracle programming book, this book is the most authoritative reference in PL / SQL,. Like its predecessors, this 5th edition of Oracle PL / SQL Programming covers the basics of the language, advanced coding techniques, and best practices for using Oracle’s powerful procedural language. Oracle Database 11g Release 2, this version is completely updated to show the new PL / SQL function, and provides a large number of code samples, including from a simple example, a complex and complete applications, in the book website.
This indispensable reference for beginners and experienced Oracle programmers will help you:
PL / SQL procedures and running quickly, clear instructions, tracking, testing, debugging, managing PL / SQL code
Optimize the performance of the PL / SQL, a whole new chapter in aid 5
Explore the data type, condition and sequential control statements, loops, exception handling, security features, globalization and localization issues, and PL / SQL architecture
The new Oracle Database 11g features, including fine-grained dependency tracking, based on the version of the re-defined function, the function result cache, the new CONTINUE statement, PL / SQL expression sequence, the parent class calls subtypes, and enhance the understanding of and the use of native compilation, triggers, and dynamic SQL
Use the new Oracle Database 11g tools and techniques, such as PL / range, PL / SQL Hierarchical Profiler, and the SecureFiles technology object
Build modular PL / SQL applications, functions, triggers, and packages
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