Publication Date: September 1, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0803617046 | ISBN-13: 978-0803617049 | Edition: 1
This is a text we have all been waiting for I can t help but think that our earlier leaders in mental health Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr. William Dutton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle, to name a few who knew the power of occupation and stressed the importance of engagement in an enabling environment, would be pleased to see this work come to a format that would guide clinicians to make a difference in the everyday lives of people with mental challenges that require the skills of an occupational therapist. Carolyn M. Baum , PhD, OTR / L, FAOTA Past President American Occupational Therapy Association (2004 to 2007) from the Foreword This Client-centered, recovery-oriented text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. You will be guided through the assessment and interventi