Publication Date: August 8, 2009 ISBN-10: 0136061257 ISBN-13 :978-0136061250 Edition: 3
For software engineering, software development, object-oriented design and analysis in the junior / senior or graduate level courses. This text can also be used in the short-term technical courses or short, intensive management courses.
Object-Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Patterns and Java, 3E, shows readers how to use both software engineering principles and practices of various object-oriented tools, processes and products.
Bruegge and Dutoit use step-by-step case study to illustrate the concepts and themes of each chapter, the emphasis on learning technology applications of object-oriented software engineer through practical experience: readers can be learned in the classroom to a real-world software project implementation .
Third edition to address new trends, in particular agile project management (Chapter 14 Project Management) and agile methodologies (Chapter 16 method).