needed by the nurses. Each monograph
Nursing2013 Drug Handbook you can count on to tell you unapproved, off-label drug use, so you always know why the drug is. This year, with your fingertips into a more confident nurse …
• a prominent 30 new drugs, so you can not miss them
• a suitable route management guidance
• I.V. drug incompatibility
• laboratory test results for the effect of a drug
• drug-drug interaction experts, with the drug – food, drugs, lifestyle drugs, herbal monitoring, including rapid and delayed interaction
• In this case, patients with kidney or liver disease and special populations, dose adjustment of alarm
• All common prescription drugs.
• a full color Photoguide help you confidently identified 431 tablets and capsules
Security, you will find only at Nursing2013 Drug Handbook, which more than ever, are easier to maintain the latest changes in the 3000 Drug Information and avoid even the most common medication errors:
• Appendix less commonly used drug indications and dose
• NOW! A to Z alphabetical label formats, Quick Reference
• NOW! FDA appearance similar to the name of the drug tall man lettering
• NOW! Signs and symptoms of a drug overdose
• NOW! Should not be crushed or chewed drugs
• NOW! FDA issued a black box warning highlighting specific warning
• NOW! Multi-drug therapy care guidance
• identification of drugs and therapeutic classes each medication to help you better prepare for the adverse effects of
• warning signs of drug, may result in serious injury
• Find similar sound to increase security to prevent the error flag
• Abbreviations to avoid in order to protect your patients and nursing license
• patient teaching guide for each drug
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