Publication Date: May 24, 2011 ISBN-10: 1,449,631,738 ISBN-13 :978-1,449,631,734 Edition: 2
Basic nursing courses nursing research: reading, using and creating evidence, second edition demonstrates how to use the research foundation of successful nursing practice. The complete updated and revised, the new version of the reader-friendly to provide students with the fundamentals of the evaluation and use of research. Around different types of research, evidence-based practice, solutions to contemporary problems, especially the ethical and legal issues. Also explores the tradition of quantitative and qualitative, to encourage students to read and use, and to participate in the research process. Summary of the main features: a quick review of learning objectives, key terms sound from the scene gray matter pointed out that the profit critical evaluation of key concepts, checklists to guide readers to the full-length research articles, in order to assess the specific research activities and issues key concepts study found practical advice, critical reading, strengthen research capacity fully interactive online resources: students: companion website interactive vocabulary flashcards cards, crossword puzzles, learning objectives, student quizzes, student workbook to record aspects of the EBP , assessment, and mentoring podcast: Instructor Manual featuring slides, exam, class discussion, and classroom exercises