Publication Date: December 28, 2012 ISBN-10: 0,789,750,384 ISBN-13 :978-0789750389 Edition: 2
Annotated photos of the step-by-step instructions, you in the end do what used the Galaxy Tab10.1 and Galaxy Tab2 7.0
When you encounter problems or limitations of the Samsung Galaxy Tab2
Tips and Notes to help you from your Samsung Galaxy Tab2
Full-color, step-by-step tasks, guide you through to obtain and keep your Samsung Galaxy Tab2 work just the way you want. Learn how to
• Quick Start
• Navigation Samsung Galaxy Tab2 Android operating system
• retrieve, play and manage music, video, podcasts and audiobooks
• Use Google as a portal, movie and TV content playback
• capture higher quality photos and video
• Fast web surfing, the built-in browser
• Monitor news, weather and stock prices
• Simplify Your Life, calendar and contacts
Send e-mail, text and multimedia message
• Use your Galaxy Tab2 electronic reader
• Find and share any destination, map, navigation, local and latitude
• discovery, installation, maintenance, new Android applications and work
• the use of additional hardware and accessories expand your Galaxy Tab2
• customize your Tablet PC to reflect your personal style and preferences
• Let your Galaxy Tab is the latest software, reliable and smooth operation
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