Motivational Interviewing, Third Edition: Helping People Change (Applications of Motivational Interviewing): William R. Miller Phd, Stephen Rollnick PhD: 9781609182274

Publication Date: September 7, 2012 ISBN-10: 1,609,182,278 ISBN-13 :978-1609182274 | Version: third edition
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onals and students to work this bestselling motivational interviewing (MI), a powerful method to promote change authority. This book illustrates four MI – participation, focus, arouse, and planning – vividly illustrate what they look like action process. The rich illustrations and interview examples illustrate the successful implementation of the “Dos and Don’ts” of different backgrounds. Very convenient, this book is full of respect and compassion customers. Supporting Web page provides additional useful resources, including the reflection problem, extended bibliography, and marked with the case materials.
This book is a series of “application” Motivational Interviewing.

This version:
* Reflects the significant progress in the understanding and teaching MI.
* Completely reorganized around four new process model.
* Other cases and consulting.
*: Increasing evidence base, including how to assess MI fidelity.

Teaching functions, including:
* Online questions and comments reflect the case of the ideal classroom discussion.
* Key points at the end of each chapter.
* Encourage box, thematic and personal thoughts.
* Extended bibliographies and Quick Reference Glossary.