Publication Date: March 9, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1597180734 ISBN-13 :978-1,597,180,733 Edition: 2
Stata, Microeconometrics the methods, microeconometric using Stata survey, a complete and up-to-date revision is a remarkable presentation Microeconometrics, and how to execute microeconometric research using Stata. It covers most micro-econometrics textbooks and omitted from basic introduction to Stata.
This revised edition has been updated to reflect the new features in Stata11 useful micro-economist. Instead, use the the MFX and user-written margeff command using the new margins command, both in the device and the average marginal effect marginal effect. They also replace the hi factor variable command, which allows you to specify indicator variables and interaction effects. With some new examples of this version of the proposed new generalized moment, nonlinear instrumental variable estimation method GMM command. In addition, this chapter maximum likelihood estimation will enhance ml, in Stata11.
In this book, the estimates of simulation methods to illustrate and test functions, and provide in-depth Stata example, each topic discussion. They also shows how to use Stata’s programming features to achieve Stata does not have a specific command. Unique theme, intuitive method of introduction and detailed illustrations of Stata examples combine to make this book invaluable, in addition to people who go to the library to use microeconometric methods.