Microbiology: A Systems Approach: Marjorie Kelly Cowan: 9780073522524

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Publication Date: February 8, 2011 ISBN-10: 007352252X ISBN-13 :978-0,073,522,524 Edition: 3
Microbiology: a systems approach to the text of the chapters of the disease and the body systems non-science/allied health professional microorganisms. It has become its engaging writing style, teaching art program and focus on active learning. We are very pleased to be able to provide a powerful learning programs, student-centered learning activities for students to manage their learning while you easily manage their assessment. The detailed report shows that your mission statement (or input your own!), The level of the the Bloom taxonomy or other categories, and how your students do measure different learning objectives. Cowan Learning program will save you time in the process, improve the success of students.
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