Publication Date: July 29, 2008 ISBN-10: 1428366660 ISBN-13 :978-1428366664 Edition: 3
Highway diesel engines and their management systems, medium / heavy truck engines, fuel and computer management system, the most comprehensive guide 3E is a user-friendly resource praise for entry-level and experienced technical personnel. The coverage includes the full range of light to heavy-duty truck diesel engines, as well as the latest diesel engine management electronics industry. New Delphi E3 injector updated third edition offers all new series of discussions and parallel hybrid drive system, using both electric and hydraulic hybrid technology, emerging battery and ultracapacitor technology popular in 2007, Caterpillar hybrid electric vehicles, expanded coverage, Detroit Diesel, Volvo and Mark engine. Today’s computer technology, in addition to any other book on the market focus, this is an ideal guide to working effectively in modern automotive service facilities.