Publication Date: July 13, 2011 ISBN-10: 1,609,136,233 ISBN-13 :978-1,609,136,239 | Version: Eighteenth
Drug card, the card deck companion Nursing2012 Drug Handbook MediQuik, in a convenient, 5 “× 7” card format provides condensed Drug Information. Nursing students prepare for the NCLEX and nurse practitioners who need a quick reference to specific drugs will find this deck a valuable tool. Packed selected card plastic casing, drug cards offer important drug information, of pronunciation including generic and trade names, indications, dosage, contraindications and precautions, and much more. This new version features:
New: confusing the generic name of the drug tall man lettering
New: Black Box Warning
New signs and symptoms: excessive
New: Vitamins Appendix.
Nursing process to address patient assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning and implementation of patient outcomes including patient teaching and assessment. Additional cards available in the form of vitamin and indications and purposes are also included. Symbols and clear title directs readers need exact information.
Provide a free online toolkit MediQuik users, including study aids and practical tips, drug safety and managing video, pharmacology animations, over 300 NCLEX-style problems, drug pronunciation guide, English-to-Spanish translation of audio guide patient teaching film dose calculator, and much more!
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