The end of the chapter NCLEX exam ready! Section includes organized the NCLEX customer’s demand for the classification of critical points.
Unique! Focus on the concept of professional nursing, help Fundamentals of Nursing, provides a bridge between the content learned by the learned concepts and disease medical surgical nursing courses.
Unique! Emphasis on clinical decision-making to teach you to use the true-to-life clinical.
Unique! RN level of medical-surgical nursing practice knowledge of the concentration of the core body of your attention focused on the “need to know” the contents of a beginning nurse safety NCLEX exam and practice.
Effective learning tools, including:
Best practices in patient safety and quality of care
Best practices for emergency care
Patient and family education: to prepare self-management
The older adult care focus
Home care assessment
Focus on assessment
Common examples, drug treatment
Evidence-Based Practice
Concept map
Laboratory Profile
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns assessment methods
Emphasis on patient safety priority is the safety of the patient, including drugs warning, critical rescue, and warning measures.
More NCLEX ® exam preparation, including integrated NCLEX exam challenges facing the problem that you are ready, you will see today’s NCLEX exam type.
More realistic clinical language you are familiar with the term nurses, doctors and other medical professionals actually use in clinical practice.
Streamline the care process, priority prominent in patients with coverage of the most important issues, regardless of whether they can be solved by the independent nursing action or by joint intervention.
Unique! Notice of the ability of a new relationship patient safety QSEN of the best safety practices in the medical and surgical care.
Covering more evidence-based practice, teach you how to evaluate the effectiveness of research and provide a summary of the recent nursing research articles and other evidence-based.
On the evolution of student resources including animations, video clips, audio clips, tutorials, NCLEX exam review questions, and more.
Improved layout and design, and to simplify the content easier reading experience.
Coverage the core genetics ability, familiar with the new study suggests that the genetic component of many illnesses and diseases.
Pay more attention to self-care, health promotion and to promote the strategy to help people recover from illness and maintaining health and preventing disease.
All new concept of graph matching streamlined nursing process in text format, and more creative, visually-oriented symbols.
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