Publication Date: December 21, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1,437,717,535 ISBN-13 :978-1,437,717,532 Edition: 2
“Highly commended” basic and clinical scientific classification, medical writings of the British Medical Association in 2012 race
Quickly review important to highlight the entire text box to provide clinical examples of disordered physiology.
To grasp difficult concepts with 800 color drawings, a balloon heading to explain the key processes.
Find information easier and intuitive organization system and consistent style.
Get the latest reports the physiological and update the text and numbers.
Access fully searchable text online www.StudentConsult.com along Webnotes, picture gallery, 150 self-assessment of the problem, as well as 10 physiology animations.
Concerned about the updated material at any time, the aging of the physiological functions of the human body including a new chapter and a new chapter hemostasis.
Get a clear visual understanding of the revised and updated high-quality, full-color line drawings and a notable feature of the clinical cases and arts programs.
Easily, molecular and cell biology to the study of human physiology and disease
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