Publication Date: March 3, 2006 ISBN-10: 0471345555 ISBN-13 :978-0471345558 Edition: 1
Model, analyze, and solve vibration problems, the use of modern computer tools.
With a clear explanation of worked examples, applications and modern computer tools, William Palm’s Mechanical vibration system provides a solid foundation. You will learn how to use math and science knowledge modeling and analysis system, from a single degree of freedom system, there are two or more degrees of freedom.
Independent MATLAB at the end of most chapters show how to use this standard engineering tool, to solve vibration problems in the context of the function. The text introduced Simulink in MATLAB solutions may be difficult for the program, such as modeling Coulomb friction effects and simulation systems, including nonlinear. Adequate throughout the text provides the opportunity to practice identification, formulation, to solve the vibration problem.
Main features
* Powerful teaching methods, including chapter objectives and summaries
* Extensive working example to illustrate the application
* Many reality homework
* Latest coverage of MATLAB
* The first vibration textbooks covering the Simulink
* Introduce themselves MATLAB Appendix A
* Special section dealing with active vibration control sports equipment
* Special chapters parameter values obtained from the experimental data
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