Publication Date: January 5, 2010 ISBN-10: of 1,439,825,688 ISBN-13 :978-1,439,825,686 Edition: 2
Currently being used by engineers and scientists, engineering and scientific measurement and data analysis, the second edition covers the basic experiment, experiment hardware and data analysis methods to introduce the basic tools of the experiment. It also provides a perspective of the whole history. Second edition updates and reorganization of its popular predecessor, which makes the text easier to track and improve the presentation of electronic materials.
New second edition
Chapter order reflects the range of topics usually included in undergraduate
With an asterisk indicates material is usually not involved officially introduce undergraduate speech
More than 150 new problems, bringing the total to more than 420 problems
Supplementary site, unit conversion, learning objectives, review crossword puzzles and solutions, the derivation of the differential equation description of laboratory exercises, MATLAB ® M-file sidebar and homework data files
Thorough and the latest version will continue to help students get a basic understanding of experimental tools. It discusses the basic concepts related experiment, measurement system components and in response, the data analysis, the experimental results and effective communication.
Auxiliary materials for teachers solution manual on a CD-ROM is available for qualified instructors. More data on www.nd.edu/ ~ pdunn / www.text/ measurements.html Display
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