Publication Date: August 11, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0,123,850,819 ISBN-13 :978-0,123,850,812 Edition: 2
If no programming knowledge, this book introduces programming concepts and MATLAB’s built-in functions, providing a perfect platform rich ability to solve engineering problems using MATLAB. Programming concepts such as variables, assignments, input / output, the select statement cycle to move to start using the programming concepts “and” side of the power of MATLAB to solve the problem. The depth of coverage is given to input / output, a topic that is the basis for many engineering applications.
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* Programming concepts and MATLAB built-in features, the ability to enable students to effectively program and take advantage of the power of MATLAB to solve the problem. In depth coverage of file input / output, a topic essential for many engineering applications, step-by-step approach, on the basis of the concept throughout the book, the common traps “and” Programming Guide “directly promote easier learning * first students best Practice
* This version:
Engineering applications in the context of solving technical problems, to help readers learn matlab
New and revised Chapter
Cycle coverage and vector new chapter, Chapter 5
Updated to reflect the current features and functionality of the current version of MATLAB
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