Publication Date: December 28, 2010 ISBN-10: 1,571,107,932 ISBN-13 :978-1,571,107,930 Edition: SPI
If you’ve ever questioned how to make math stations work, you’ll find this photo filled, rich in ideas and resources are very valuable. This book Debbie Diller’s best-selling work of literacy workstations and classroom design, an extension of the field of mathematics. You will find ideas in mathematics workstations, and to help the understanding of the concept of child development and skills, they talk about their mathematical thinking, mathematical vocabulary, and connect big ideas meaningful independent exploration and practice. The book details how to set up, manage, and keep math stations throughout the year. There is even a chapter devoted to the organization and use of mathematical teaching aids. Each chapter includes:
Key concepts based on NCTM and national curriculum standards;
Math vocabulary resources and literature links;
Recommended materials, including in each of the corresponding mathematical content chain station;
The idea of modeling, troubleshooting, differentiation and assessment;
Reflect the issues of professional development.
In this book, Debbie include hundreds of color photographs, from the classroom, she had math in action workstations. Figure reproducible good form and math workstation icon, including everything you need in your classroom, the station immediately start browsing the web.
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