Publication Date: March 6, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0135078466 ISBN-13 :978-0,135,078,464 Edition: 3
Care for pregnant women and children is a family-centered process of maternal and child care products, 3E, a span continuous to meet the needs of the family, from conception through adolescence text. In society, customer education, critical thinking and evidence-based practice nursing students the responsibility to take care of the family, the management of a variety of health care needs, to work with the family theme, shaping this book care and other health professionals, intensive care.
Note: This is a separate book, the BK / access code If you want to please order ISBN following:
0132166011/9780132166010 maternal and child care products and MyNursingLab with Pearson the ETEXT student access code card
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0132115115/9780132115117 MyNursingLab Pearson ETEXT – Access Card – maternal and child care
0135078466/9780135078464 Maternal and Child Care