Published: November 17,2010 ISBN-10: 0071741674 ISBN-13 :978-0071741675 Edition: 1
Unique practical mechanical design principles and their application guide
When the object moves, you will learn how to establish a mechanism by moving non-technical explanations, examples, and do it, and do-it-yourself projects – from installation art, toys, labor-saving devices. These projects include a drawing machine, small wind turbine, a mousetrap powered cars, and more, but the examples of the application are limited only by your imagination. Covers a wide range of topics from how to install the motor, the conversion between the coupler and shaft rotation and linear motion.
Each chapter provides photos, drawings, and screenshots of the components and systems involved. Focus on the use of off-the-shelf components, as long as possible, most of the items can also be readily available metal, plastic, wood, paperboard, and manufacturing techniques, such as laser cutting. Design of small projects in each chapter, a chapter in the application materials in hand. In the back of the book, more involved in the project, the material from several chapters.
Moving objects:
Focus on practical applications and results, not abstract engineering theory
Contains more than a dozen topics focused projects and three large-scale projects will draw from the entire book
Features shopping lists and guides to off-the-shelf, off-the-shelf components project
Will discuss the new manufacturing techniques, such as laser cutting, three-dimensional printing, you can access
Including the online component of continuing education with the book’s companion website and blog (makingthingsmove.com)
Hand covering mobile mechanism
Introduce mechanisms and equipment, materials, and where to find them; threaded connections or glued? Fastening and connecting parts; force, friction torque (oh, my); mechanical and electrical work, and energy; Eeny, Meeny, MINY, the motor? – Create and motion control guts: bearings, bushings. Coupler, gear, rotary and linear motion; automata and mechanical toys; thing, let them manufacturing projects
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