Publication Date: December 17,2009 ISBN-10: 0,596,153,740 ISBN-13 :978-0,596,153,748 | Edition: 1st
“This is a professor at its best!”
555 (the world’s most successful integrated circuit), the inventor Hans – Camenzind, of much ado about nothing hardly what happened Electronics (Booklocker.com)
“A fabulous book: write a good, good rhythm, fun, and informative, and I also liked the sense of humor. Antidote to fear, it is very good, it’s gorgeous, and I would highly recommend this book.”
Tom – Igoe, of physical computing and make things dialogue
Want to learn electronics fundamentals fun, hands-on way? Brand: electronic products, you will start to work in the actual project, as long as you crack open this book. Explore all the key components and basic principles, through a series of fascinating experiments. You will build the circuit, and then learn the theory behind!
Build working devices, from simple to complex, you’ll start with the basics, and then transferred to more complex projects. Switching circuits, integrated circuits, from simple programmable microcontroller alarm. The step-by-step instructions and more than 500 full-color photographs and illustrations will help you use – and understand – electronics concepts and techniques.
Breaking things: experiment with components and learn from failure
Set up a lie to a project space: the work area at home, equipped with the tools and parts you need
Understanding of key electronic components and their function in the circuit
Intrusion alarm, holiday lights, wearable electronic jewelry, audio processors, reflex tester, and combination lock
The establishment of an autonomous robot car that can sense their environment and avoid obstacles
Get a clear, easy-to-understand explanation of what you are doing and why
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