Publication Date: June 5, 2001 ISBN-10: 0,226,284,182 ISBN-13 :978-0,226,284,187 Edition: 1
Thankfully clear, concise, simple, and powerful – unfortunately, these adjectives rarely used legal writing, whether in the form of briefs, opinions, contracts or regulations. Legal Writing in plain English, Bryan Garner provides lawyers, judges, paralegals, law students, and legal scholars sound advice and practical tools to improve their written work. Encouraged to challenge conventions and legal writers book writing process: how to organize ideas, establish and perfect prose, and improve editing skills and provide valuable insights. In essence, it teaches straight-line thinking – is inseparable from good writing skills.
Full of common sense and wit, this book draws on real-life writing samples, Ghana has collected more than 10 years teaching at the scene. The magnificent recommendations cover all types of legal materials, analysis and persuasive written legal document drafting. Meanwhile, Ghana to explore important aspects of document design. In each part of the basic, intermediate and advanced exercises to strengthen the principles of this book. (An answer key to basic exercises in this book, intermediate and advanced exercises answer is to provide an independent instructor manual, free of charge to instructors.) Appendix advice and examples include a comprehensive punctuation guide, and 4 model file.
Today more than ever before, legal professionals can not ignore the trend term is deprived of a clear language. Customer demand, and court awards. Although the ancient tradition in the harsh law of the text shows in plain English, Legal Writing, legal writers can unshackle themselves.
Legal Writing in plain English, including:
* Tip generated on ideology, organization, and to establish the contour.
Sound advice to express their ideas clearly, forcefully.
* Writing dozens of real-life examples to illustrate the problems and solutions of the writing.
* Exercises to consolidate the principle of good writing (also available on the Internet).
* Page layout to help guide.
* A punctuation guide that shows the correct uses of every punctuation mark.
* Model legal documents to prove the power of simple English.
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