Publication Date: June 1, 2011 ISBN-10: 053848179X ISBN-13 :978-0538481793 Edition: 6
Launch new businesses, future entrepreneurs the tools introduced in the global market, the success of new business. The text follows the logical development process, from the initial idea to the drafting of the actual business plan. The sixth edition, said the latest ideas, concepts and practices in the field of entrepreneurship. Allen focused on the pre-start and start-up phase of a new business, with particular emphasis on the process and activities must occur before you open a new business. Student-friendly materials, including real-world case studies, the action plan of the new joint venture, and my views from a successful entrepreneur and author. The first part describes the foundation of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunities, it is important to understand the decision of the entrepreneur, the environment for them to make these decisions and tasks, they must bear, and then launch a new company. The second part deals with the entrepreneurial activity center – to test a new business concept through feasibility analysis. The third part from a strategic height and the drafting of a business plan. The fourth part of the plan focused on the growth and change in the new organiz