Publication Date: January 13, 2010 ISBN-10: 020568517X ISBN-13 :978-0,205,685,172 Edition: 8
In the course of art history.
Rewriting and restructuring, the new version is intertwined with recent scholarship in the history of art, the latest thinking and most innovative online supplements, including digital art library. Experience the new Janson and re-experience the history of art.
Historic art of the Western world classic and groundbreaking introduction of Jensen’s art history eighth edition of the groundbreaking. When Harry Abrams art history was first announced in 1962, John F. Kennedy occupied the White House, and Andy Warhol was an emerging artist. Jensen has raised strong concern of their own readers, techniques and styles of Western art, an important consideration, and the obvious point of view. Jensen said that the history of art, not just a string together the history of the object, but changes in the history of the writing of the story on the style and the style of their linkages. Jensen’s text focused on the visual and technical characteristics of the objects he discussed, often in a very eloquent language. Jensen Art Shijian Li canon of art history scholars for generations.
New eighth edition, revised to keep current with new discoveries and scholarship, continue to follow the leadership of Jensen, in some important respects: it is limited to the Western tradition, a chapter of relations of Islamic art and Western art. It makes the discussion focused on the object, its manufacture, and its visual features. It considers the contribution of the artist as an important part of the analysis. This version remains along established a separate chapter of the Jensen, Nordic Renaissance, the Italian Renaissance, Renaissance and Baroque art, is a critical period for the era of stylistic sector organizations. Also embedded in this version is the way of the narrative art change over time, the rights of European culture as its heritage.
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