Publication Date: November 16, 2005 | ISBN-10: 0387241574 ISBN-13 :978-0,387,241,579
Using MATLAB ® the intuitive probability theory and stochastic processes is the probability and stochastic processes, introduction of the integration of theory and practice. According to the belief of the author, the only “hands-on” experience with the material can promote intuitive understanding of this method is the theory of incentives need to use MATLAB examples, theory and analysis, and the final description of the “real world” examples so that the reader is familiar with the various range of applications. The latter in order to answer the usual questions: “Why do we have to study this?” Other significant features: rely heavily on computer simulation illustration and student exercises * MATLAB programs and code segments will discuss continuous random variable discrete random variables, followed by the start of each chapter * explanation of the linear equation * Warning * over 750 problems, aims to help the reader to absorb and expand the concept of intuitive probability theory and stochastic processes to reduce confusion in the summary section, using MATLAB ® for undergraduate and first year graduate students in engineering common errors and defects. Practicing engineers and other appropriate mathematical background will also benefit from this book. About the Author Steven M. Kay, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Rhode Island and the famous experts in signal processing. He has received Outstanding Contribution to Education Award “in education and writing academic books and text … the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and has been classified as which is the most cited researchers in the world works 250.