Publication Date: September 12, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0077235657 ISBN-13 :978-0,077,235,659 Edition: 2
Thermodynamics and heat transfer of a large number of clear illustrations, student’s writing style, management basic concepts of mathematics thermodynamics and heat transfer.Together of balanced coverage, this is an ideal text to introduce the non-thermal science courses mechanical engineering.
Continue to the main topic of the text in the tradition of Cengel / trunk thermodynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer illustrations in a highly open student-friendly way. Flexible-organized text can accommodate courses spend one-third to anywhere 2/3rds or more of class time on thermodynamics and the rest of the main theme of the heat transfer. Intuitive method is to draw parallels between the problems and the students daily experienced physical interpretation and analogy support. Many of the 150 thoroughly example, nearly 2,000 real-world problems, emphasizing the application of the civil and electrical engineering. More than 1,000 illustrations help students visualize the concept of this approach and content, this text describes the thermodynamics and / or thermal science courses, non-mechanical engineering students an ideal resource.