Introduction to Splinting: A Clinical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Approach, 3e: Brenda M. Coppard PhD OTR/L, Helene Lohman MA OTD OTR/L: 9780323033848

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Publication Date: November 1, 2007 ISBN-10: 0323033849 ISBN-13 :978-0323033848 Edition: 3
The third edition of Introduction to splint clinical reasoning and problem-solving methods to help the reader master the required plywood, basic theory, principles and techniques of clinical practice. Used in combination textbook / workbook format, it integrates theory and technical knowledge with practical learning function, so that the reader has important clinical knowledge, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and plywood.
Comprehensive coverage of splinting, therapists need to know the basics.
Self-tests, case studies and lab exercises help readers bridge the gap between learning and practice, they have learned to real life cases.
The principal terms of the outstanding chapter outline, review questions, readers can look forward to learning specific information for each chapter.
Combination textbook / workbook format, to strengthen the information, because it is the practical application of the concepts of the lesson and encourage.
The content has been updated to include new research and technology, current trends, as well as a new source of information.
The list of key terms of each chapter to help the reader familiar terminology.
Two new case studies have been added to each chapter, this book focus on strengthening clinical application.
The companion CD contains video clips demonstrates how to make a specific splint.
Four new chapters cover topics such as career plywood, tools, processes and technology splint, and splint elbow, shoulder, and fingers.
The chapter is divided into three units: the basic conditions and the population of the plywood splints and topics related to the plywood.
A new Appendix readers useful online resources and suppliers.
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