Publication Date: November 21, 2010 ISBN-10: 0205820379 ISBN-13 :978-0,205,820,375 Edition: 14
14 COPI, Cohen and McMahon, write logic is designed for tens of thousands of students and their teachers – in the hundreds of University of the United States and around the world – who have used the basic methods and techniques in reasoning in daily life.
For those who have not used or reviewed by the introduction logic, we extend a very warm welcome. Please join us and our international family of users! Let us help you teach students the methods and principles, in order to distinguish correct incorrect reasoning.
Through concerted efforts in the past five decades, many scholars hone introduce logic is a mature textbooks. The meticulous detail and precision of elaboration and interpretation of all relevant details of the most accurate match. In addition, to continue to capture the interest of students, through humane personalized settings and current example.