Introduction to Homeland Security, Fourth Edition: Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management (0000124158021): Jane Bullock, George Haddow, Damon P. Coppola

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Publication Date: January 17,2012 ISBN-10: 0124158021 ISBN-13 :978-0,124,158,023 Edition: 4
Bullock, Haddow, Coppola has established a standard of the Department of Homeland Security textbooks, and they follow a greatly improved version of the third edition of the best-selling. Like its predecessors, this book clearly describes the basic principles of preparation, from emergencies and disaster relief, management and recovery. However, this new version to emphasize their value, to improve the clarity and focus. More importantly, it has been thoroughly revised, including conversion-related aspects of political, budget and homeland security laws have changed, because on the basis of the 2008 presidential election (and the subsequent change in management). These measures include: a new chapter in intelligence and counter-terrorism, border security, transportation security and network security, expansion of the changes in the organizational strategy and philosophy of the materials of the Department of Homeland Security, suggestions and / or results occurred quadrennial review of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security completion of the updated budget information in 2010 on two of Homeland Security programs and funding in the department of Homeland Security to support the safety and the security measures taken at the national and local levels, as well as in the private sector and change the public perception and reception information security risks, including the Homeland Security Advisory system eliminated.

* A new chapter, with particular emphasis on border and transportation security tasks more attention to the security of the network security and infrastructure, both of which are fast-growing importance in the field of Homeland Security officials at all levels between the companion Web site, which including a complete online teacher’s guide and PowerPoint lecture notes.
