Publication Date: August 17, 2012 ISBN-10: 1449665489 ISBN-13 :978-1449665487 Edition: 6
The sixth edition of Epidemiology, is the ideal introductory text for the epidemiology student with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics. Updated tables, figures, and examples throughout, the sixth edition of a comprehensive revision, a new, real-world examples to help better illustrate the elusive concept. Learning objectives for each chapter, as well as study the problem in the students with descriptive answers, in the further analysis and thinking. The sixth edition of the new features: updated tables and figures. Several of the increase in the real world practical examples. New focus set of contingency tables and appropriate measures, the calculation of the Association and to explain. More details and examples of hypothesis testing. More details and examples of calculation of the age-adjusted interest rates. More details and examples of potential life lost. More details and examples evaluation of clinical trials. Updated case studies.