Publication Date: June 15, 2011 ISBN-10: 0470665769 ISBN-13 :978-0470665763 Edition: 3
The first text in the field of human-computer interaction, interaction design, revision of the third edition, is an ideal interaction design, human-computer interaction, information design, web design, ubiquitous computing requires interdisciplinary skills learning resources .
The author is a recognized leader and educators in their respective fields, with a strong global reputation. They bring a depth of range, in this new version of the theme, include the latest technology and equipment, including social networking, Web 2.0, and mobile devices. The third edition also adds, developed and updated case examples and problems, in order to meet the latest book of human-computer interaction.
Interaction design human-computer interaction provides a cross-disciplinary, practical and process-oriented approach, not only is the principle should be applied to interaction design, but the key is that they can be applied. The book focuses on how to design interactive products, to strengthen and extend the way people communicate, interact and work. Incentive examples illustrate these two technologies, but also social and ethical issues, make this book approachable, to adapt to the user of the computer science and non-computer professional. Interviews with key HCI lamps, and provides an insight into the current and future trends.
This book has an accompanying website www.id-book.com resources to match the new version has been updated.