Publication Date: June 6, 2006 ISBN-10: 0231126999 ISBN-13 :978-0231126991 Edition: Revised and Enlarged
Bruce Hoffman, the internal terrorism remains a seminal work, the historical evolution of the way of thinking about terrorism and terrorists. In this revised edition of the classic text, Hoffman analysis of global terrorism has emerged in recent years, with particular attention to the “base” organization has changed since 9/11, new enemies, new motivation and strategy behind the reasons, its elasticity, resonance, and longevity, and successful use of the Internet and videotapes to build public support and new recruits. Hoffman’s assessment of the potential impact of the Iraq insurgency, the possibility of suicide bombers, terrorists take advantage of the new media, chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear terrorist attacks, to broaden the discussion.
Closer to home, Hoffman reconsider the case of Timothy McVeigh, by American Christian white supremacists and opposition to abortion, as well as the threat posed by radical environmentalists and animal rights activists . He believes that, in the World Trade Center attacks to fundamentally change the view of the terrorist threat in the West. More relevant than ever necessary, inside terrorism remains a clear history of global terrorism and the future work.