Publication Date: April 22, 2008 ISBN-10: 0,805,841,199 ISBN-13 :978-0805841190 Edition: 2
In simple and complex systems, it is a whole new world out there. In the initial publication of this book, 14 years ago, the network is still in its infancy, the DVD disc does not exist, cell phones and rare, just a flash in the pan on the information superhighway, on the horizon. If you use “social engineering”, you most likely political scientist, if you are “phishing” You may have heard a rock band.
The second edition of a bestseller, and human factors in simple and complex systems necessary to understand the breadth and depth of products and systems design, implementation and evaluation of human factors issues. Delineated a framework to emphasize the close relationship between the basic theory and applications, and, in the course of the study, to provide a complete knowledge of the current state and check how these factors are applied to the system design. The new version addresses the interests of the concepts of situational awareness and highlight the theme, with particular emphasis on computer applications and human-computer interaction.
To see what the new second edition
New topics, such as situational awareness capability, to capture the enormous changes in human factors and ergonomics
To strengthen the link between basic research and application of knowledge and practice
Each chapter includes a separate box, to discuss the subject of computer-related interpersonal current interests and latest technology
This book provides show a general method to solve system problems extensive, covering the discipline factor is built on the basis of the theory. Around the human information processing, it covers the full range of contemporary human factors and ergonomics, and then shows you how to use them.
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