Publication Date: July 10, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0321753275 ISBN-13 :978-0321753274 Edition: 6
Update media, human anatomy, concise explanation on the basis of the sixth edition of the fifth edition of the best-selling significantly improved art and photo program, clearer explanations and readability, and more integrated clinical reports. Verify that the need to understand the anatomical structure and function of the framework, to help students build and engage the description of the text from a new arts programs, with vibrant color saturation, as well as a new side of the body photo. New spotlight has been added to help students master the most difficult topics in anatomy. This is a stand-alone book.
If you want to packet sequence ISBN:
0321753267/9780321753267 Human Anatomy and media updates MasteringA & P ™,
Package Includes:
0321753275/9780321753274 Human Anatomy, Media Update
0321754182/9780321754189 practice anatomy lab.
0321765079/9780321765079 MasteringA, P “of the Pearson the ETEXT student access code card Human Anatomy, Media Update
0321765648/9780321765642 Human Anatomy and practice combined Anatomy Lab 3.0, Media Update package card
080537373X/9780805373738 summary of the Atlas of the human body, A
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