Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law, 7th Edition (9781418051914): Karen Morris, Norman Cournoyer, Anthony Marshall

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Publication Date: June 27, 2007 ISBN-10: 1418051918 ISBN-13 :978-1,418,051,914 Edition: 7
For students and practicing professionals in hospitality, travel and tourism, as well as professional paralegal work, Hotel, Catering and Tourism Law: 7th edition, preventive measures to address the manager in the hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries facing legal issues. The focus is on the prevention of illegal activities. Managers can by reading this book, appreciate and identify what actions and precautions are necessary to avoid or at least reduce the number of lawsuits. The book uses the case method has long been recognized as a useful way to learn discipline and the law is often complex. Readers will study the decision, the hospitality establishments prosecution from the actual case, as well as what kind of legal precedent